These Terms of Use (“Terms”) were last updated on June 29, 2022.

BeYAH Fitness’s mission is to improve lives through learning. We did not create these courses ourselves and take no credit for them (All rights are credited to their respective authors) but we have our licenses to share these educational content as instructors and to access that educational content to learn (students). We consider our marketplace model the best way to offer valuable educational content to our users. We need rules to keep our platform and services safe for you, us, and our student community. These Terms apply to all your activities on the BeYAH Fitness/BeYAH Fitness Academy website, and other related services (“Services”).

1. Accounts

You need an account for most activities on our platform. Keep your password somewhere safe, because you’re responsible for all activity associated with your account. If you suspect someone else is using your account, let us know by contacting our Support Team or simply changing your passwords

You need an account for most activities on our platform, including purchasing and accessing content or submitting content for publication. When setting up and maintaining your account, you must provide and continue to provide accurate and complete information, including a valid email address. You have complete responsibility for your account and everything that happens on your account, including for any harm or damage (to us or anyone else) caused by someone using your account without your permission. This means you need to be careful with your password. You may not transfer your account to someone else or use someone else’s account. If you contact us to request access to an account, we will not grant you such access unless you can provide us with the information that we need to prove you are the owner of that account. In the event of the death of a user, the account of that user will be closed.

You may not share your account login credentials with anyone else. You are responsible for what happens with your account and BeYAH Fitness Academy will not intervene in disputes between students or instructors who have shared account login credentials. You must notify us immediately upon learning that someone else may be using your account without your permission (or if you suspect any other breach of security) by contacting us at

2. Content Enrollment and Lifetime Access

When you enroll in a course or other content, you get a license from us to view it via the BeYAH Fitness Academy Services and for no other use. Don’t try to transfer or resell the content in any way. We generally grant you a lifetime access license, except when we must disable the content because of legal or policy reasons or for enrollments via Subscription Plans.

3. Payments, Credits, and Refunds

When you make a payment, you agree to use a valid payment method. 

●      Courses are non-refundable once payment is made you can only substitute for another course with the same amount. That can be arranged by contacting us at to see how we can assist you further.

●      Try to take your lectures and leave your feedback after completion of the courses. You must complete a class before requesting or purchasing the certificate of completion from us.

4. Content and Behavior Rules

You can only use BeYAH Fitness Academy for lawful purposes. You’re responsible for all the content that you post on our platform. You should keep the reviews, questions, posts, courses and other content you upload in line with respect to the intellectual property rights of others. We can ban your account for repeated or major offenses. If you think someone is infringing your copyright on our platform, let us know.

5. BeYAH Fitness Academy’s Rights

We own the BeYAH Fitness Academy platform and Services, including the website, present or future apps and services, and things like our logos, API, code, and content created by our employees. You can’t tamper with those or use them without authorization.

All right, title, and interest in and to the BeYAH Fitness platform and Services, including our website, our existing or future applications, our APIs, databases, and the content our employees or partners submit or provide through our Services (but excluding content provided by Authors and students) are and will remain the exclusive property of BeYAH Fitness Academy and its licensors.

6. Miscellaneous Legal Terms

These Terms are like any other contract, and they have boring but important legal terms that protect us from the countless things that could happen and that clarify the legal relationship between us and you. You agree that by registering, accessing, or using our Services, you are agreeing to enter into a legally binding contract with BeYAH Fitness Academy. If you do not agree to these Terms, do not register, access, or otherwise use any of our Services.

7. Updating These Terms

From time to time, we may update these Terms to clarify our practices or to reflect new or different practices (such as when we add new features), and BeYAH Fitness Academy reserves the right in its sole discretion to modify and/or make changes to these Terms at any time. If we make any material change, we will notify you using prominent means, such as by email notice sent to the email address specified in your account or by posting a notice through our Services. Modifications will become effective on the day they are posted unless stated otherwise.

Your continued use of our Services after changes become effective shall mean that you accept those changes. Any revised Terms shall supersede all previous Terms.

8. How to Contact Us

The best way to get in touch with us is to contact our Support Team via We’d love to hear your questions, concerns, and feedback about our Services.

Thanks for learning with us!